Swift – Immediately Invoked Closures

This makes the 3rd post I’ve done tonight. I know that doesn’t mean anything to most people, but I started off trying to write a post on immediately invoked closures, I got sidetracked. twice.

Immediately Invoked Closures are also known in other languages as Immediately Invoked Functions or Immediately Invoked Function Expression (IIFE). But honestly, what we call them doesn’t really matter, it’s what they do.

Breaking down the term, Immediately Invoked might not be perfectly accurate, but the basic premise, goes like this

This is a closure

This is me executing the closure

This is how I could have done both steps at once

In this case, it’s really an anonymous closure, so I don’t have a reference to just keep calling it over and over again, but that’s ok.

Immediately invoked closures can be very useful, even if they don’t seem like it at first. To start, let’s assume that we want to have an  NSNumberFormatter with the currency style, we could do this

And it works just fine in some cases.

We could also do this

But this is more code, so why would we want to do this? Let’s suppose that we want to have the variable be on a class, and we don’t want to implement all 27 init methods (exaggeration, but I have had classes where I have to implement 3 different init methods)

This is invalid in Swift

So at first glance, it would seem we would need to implement the init method to execute both lines

But this just has ugly written all over it. Also, if we add multiple init methods, we might have to start copying and pasting code. Depending on the superclass, you may even be required to implement a specific init method, but only if you implement any custom init methods. let’s look at this with immediately invoked closures

No more init method. It’s like Christmas!

But what if we need to do something that requires a reference to another property? The easiest way to handle this is with a lazy property.

A lazy property will not have a value until it is accessed. When it is accessed, the initialization code we provide will be executed. There is a tiny performance overhead for a lazy variable, but just keep in mind that the performance associated with a single if statement is negligible in comparison to that of drawing a single pixel on the screen. The only time you should worry about this, is if you are working on some kind of game that has demanding algorithmic performance. Always favor maintainable code, unless you can’t. And even then, make it as maintainable as possible. You may remember how something works today, but that doesn’t mean future you will remember how something works.

To make it lazy, we just have to add the lazy  keyword

Or if we need to access another property, we do something like this

We add the  [unowned self] to ensure ARC is happy. It prevents our allocation block from having a strong reference to the class (which would create a retain cycle).

You can add lazy  any time you want the property to be lazily instantiated, but if you instantiation closure references self , you the property must be lazy.

If you have a lazy property that doesn’t reference self, you can also just do this

It’s only when you need to provide multiple lines of initialization code that you need to use an immediately invoked closure.

And there you have it. The single coolest thing I can think of in Swift. Immediately Invoked Closures and lazily instantiated properties.

2 thoughts on “Swift – Immediately Invoked Closures”

  1. Great article thanks! Quick question. The immediately executed closure combined with the lazy, i think i got it twisted.

    Is the reason to use a immediately executed closure with a lazy, that the value will still be calculated first when you need it, and that the immediately executed closure makes sure that the actual return value of the closure is returned, and not the closure itself?

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